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Welcome to All Saints Dramatic Society

A bit about us...

All Saints' Dramatic Society was founded in 1950, staged its first production in 1951 and has always produced quality theatre, covering a wide range of plays (including comedies, farces, thrillers and dramas), pantomimes and musicals. Home for us today is Corpus Christi Parish Center, Parkwood Road, Boscombe, which has a 180 seat auditorium.

We currently have around 70 members of varying ages, interests and abilities. We produce four shows a year: a pantomime in January; two plays in April and September; and our Friends' Evenings, usually three one-act plays but sometimes, for example, a music hall or review, in June.

We also provide a December Carol Concert for our 'Friends' and arrange a variety of regular social events, including our Christmas Annual Awards' Party in December.

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Bouncers & Shakers Poster_edited.jpg

Bouncers & Shakers

By John Godber

Set in the 1980's, Bouncers and Shakers is full of humour, physical comedy and pathos whilst giving a glimpse of northern nightlife in the 80's

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13th, 14th & 15th September 2024

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'Member of ASDS'


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Where we perform:

Corpus Christi Parish Centre

18 St James's Square

Parkwood Road



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What critics and audiences say about ASDS productions...

"I was immediately really impressed with the props and scenery onstage..." ('Scene One Plus': September 2022)

"It was clear to all that the entire cast revelled in being on stage with a positive and energetic opening night...." ('Scene One Plus': 'Cinderella' April 2022)

"The live band provided a strong musical backdrop with a variety of upbeat favourites" ('Cinderella' April 2022: 'Scene One Plus')

" ....the best Algernon and Lady Bracknell that I have seen in an amateur production...," ('The Importance of Being Earnest' September 2021: 'Scene One Plus')

"... audiences for the remaining performances are in for a real treat, so if you haven't got a ticket, I suggest you do so quickly, ..." ('Aladdin' January 2017: 'Scene One Plus')

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